3/27 Daily Announcements

Schoolwide Announcements

Senior Cruise

Senior Cruise is on April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:45 pm. Make sure to buy your tickets for unlimited taco station, unlimited pasta station, unlimited dessert buffet, and unlimited sodas, juice, coffee, and tea!

Senior Superlatives

Final voting for the class of 2024 senior superlatives closes Wednesday, March 27th @11:59PM. Find out the results in the yearbook! The current price is $95, and books can be bought any time at the Viking Vendor or online at ihsvikings.org/shop. Final price is $100 on the last week of school (and those copies are both limited and first come first served), so buy it soon! The price starts going up again after Spring Break. Contact IHS Saga at ihssaga@gmail.com or dm us on insta!

Today’s Announcements

Spring Cleaning E-waste Drive

Hey Vikings, Do you have any old tech you are trying to get rid of? The IHS Hardware and Technology Club is hosting a Spring Cleaning E-waste Drive on March 25 to 27th! Drop off any unwanted tech in front of the Front Office. Some stuff you can donate includes old laptops, controllers, and more!

Data Science Officer Info Meeting

The Data Science Club is hosting an Officer Application Info Meeting this Wednesday, March 27th at lunch in Room 161. Come join us and learn about available positions and enjoy some delicious sugar cookies as well!

Upcoming Announcements

Meant for More

Youth Alive is hosting Meant for More April 10-12 in the small gym during lunch, featuring guest speakers about Christianity, free krispy kreme, and free chickfila!

Tech Crew

Tech Crew applications are open! If you’re interested in helping out with tech for rallies and club showcases, make sure to fill out the interest form by April 10 at tinyurl.com/tech-crew-interest-form. You’ll also find the actual application there, which is due April 12.