Registration Club Details Club Name* ICC/SIA* non-service club service club Club Type* Club Type Hobby/Activity Cultural/Religious Academic Service Club Email* Club Username (Club Name No Spaces)* Password* Confirm Password* Club Description* Advisor Name* Advisor Room Number* Club Meeting Info* Profile Picture* Size Restrictions: Please make sure the image size is equal to or larger than 150 by 150 pixels. Social Media Facebook* Instagram* Website (optional) Membership Club Registration* Open to New Members Closed to New Members Membership Steps* Officers Required Officers President* Vice President* Treasurer* Secretary* Additional Officers Officer 1 Officer 2 Officer 3 Officer 4 Officer 5 Budget Club Fundraisers (Planned)* Club Expenses (Planned)* Constitution Make a copy of the ICC Constitution Outline document: [] Complete and submit it as a PDF. Constitution* Club Questionnaire Why did you want to start this club? Why must your specific club be officially recognized? What makes your club different from other clubs? (#1 common reason for rejection) How will your club reach out to different groups? What plans do you have for the future growth of your club and how will you ensure consistency with your members? What experience do you or your officer team have with running a club? How often will you be having meetings/events? Please explain the roles of each of your officers. Agreements Make a copy of the ICC Terms & Agreements document:[]. Complete and submit it as a PDF. Clubs Terms & Agreements Upload Monthly Report Summary of Last Months Progress Areas of Strength Areas of Improvement Is there any way ICC can assist your officer team? (ex. officer trainings) Please list your projective plans for the next month. Is there any way we can help you with your future events?