Irvington Clubs

Clubs Directory

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Club Meeting Info
The frequency of meetings and events for FYA will depend on various factors, such as member availability and the dates of events planned. However, we will hold regular meetings at least once a month to discuss club matters, plan events, and engage in bonding activities with our members. In addition to regular meetings, we plan to organize multiple events and activities throughout the month, along with social or bonding events which may occur weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly based on the type of event.
Club Meeting Info
We will be hosting general meetings either online or in person once a month and mandatory meetings are required for officers at the end of each semester. Additional meetings will be schedules when needed.
Club Meeting Info
Club Meetings happen once a month, generally in person during lunch or guest speaker events on zoom.
Club Meeting Info
During each meeting, a scheduled initiative is presenting material. The set of officers working on that initiative has the sole job of presenting and answering questions. 2 to 3 other officers will be present to supervise the meeting and answer other unrelated questions.
Club Meeting Info
In our competition season, Mock Trial meets every single week to prepare for trial! After that, we meet at team dinners and at our banquet.
Club Meeting Info
We generally meet online at Dates and times will be posted on Facebook and Instagram Page.
Club Meeting Info
Meetings bimonthly, generally detailing magazine publication or event introductions.
Club Meeting Info
Biweekly Meetings Every Monday (Twice a month) Except for AP Season/Finals/Off-days
Club Meeting Info
We have themed general meetings every month to come together and share different books that we have read, including book recommendations, and every couple of months we have low-commitment, fun events including cookie decorating and bookmark making!