Irvington Clubs

Clubs Directory

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Club Meeting Info
Meeting every Thursday lunch
Club Meeting Info
Thursday Lunch, Room 264 Meetings occur on a weekly basis and are for members only.
Club Meeting Info
ICED plans to have meetings every other month and will remain consistent in having meetings by agreeing on dates and times that work for all officers which will be discussed through active group chats.
Club Meeting Info
We generally meet twice a month.
Club Meeting Info
Information about meetings will be posted regularly on our Instagram (@irvingtoncarclub)
Club Meeting Info
We will meet every 2 weeks in P3. In the first week out of the 2 weeks, we would select an animal to do our monthly endangered species presentation on, and the next week we would educate club members about the specific animal species. Facebook- AffinityforAnimals IHS
Club Meeting Info
All meetings will be announced on Instagram or our Google Classroom and will be in room 51
Club Meeting Info
At our monthly meetings, we update our club members on how previous events went and any upcoming events/fundraisers they should keep an eye out for. We also have bi-monthly officer meetings to discuss planning for events and delegating tasks. Our events are usually hosted at flex, lunch, or after school in Ms. Faitel's classroom with a fairly large turn-out.
Club Meeting Info
General meetings are usually about either history, or geography, including either a game, lecture, or slides.
Club Meeting Info
General meetings are held once a month in room 161. Events are in room 161 unless noted otherwise and are either during lunch or after school!