Irvington Clubs

Clubs Directory

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Club Meeting Info
Irvington DECA will be meeting every Wednesday and Thursdays. The Wednesday workshops will be for CTE members in order to prepare them for competition while the Thursday workshops will be for Non-CTE members who will be preparing for other entrepreneurship based events, such as NEC or Diamond Consulting. Irvington DECA will have workshops after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays for around 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The workshops listed above will be taking place every week throughout the DECA season.
Club Meeting Info
Meetings are held in different rooms based on which teacher has availability during that time.
Club Meeting Info
Our meetings are held once a month and they are usually a service event afterschool. Our meetings are held in our advisor's room unless there is a conflict.
Club Meeting Info
Prepared: Monday afterschool Spontaneous: Thursday afterschool
Club Meeting Info
Synapsis meetings are usually at Cerda's room, where we host lectures and dissections frequently.
Club Meeting Info
We will have workshops at the beginning of the year to teach beginners how to crochet. We will also have general meetings and service events at least once a month. Meetings can be during lunch or after school.
Club Meeting Info
National Honor Society will have club general meetings every month where we will go over upcoming events, internships and summer program oppoertuntiies, and use the meetings as a way to bond more as a chapter and give our members a chance to explore different career fields.
Club Meeting Info
Meetings during lunch are casual practice sessions with an experienced club member serving as a moderator for the round. Meetings after school include specific team practice with buzzers and study sessions. Science Bowl will meet in room 162 every Monday during lunch and after school for Zoom for team practice, once a week.
Club Meeting Info
CPC meetings are on Tuesdays weekly in Room 161. Each week we do something different, but we usually prepare for upcoming contests (e.g. ACSL/USACO), review past contests, or have fun meetings (e.g. Trivia and Not-So-Difficult). CPC is a great place to talk to others passionate about programming and programmatic thinking.
Club Meeting Info
Every other week in Room 164 during Lunch. Look at our socials for updates on meetings and events.